Sunday, February 17, 2013

Top LookBook-ers!

Hey lovely readers,
It's sunset time here in the tiny island of Bahrain, and its time for a new post! I've spent the past couple of days diving into several blogs, and have realized two particular things I don't really apply or do whilst posting. And they are first sharing my opinion about what I am talking about in a more serious manner, and being serious in general. Yes this means less ranting, which is what my blog has sadly been mainly about. huh.
Any how, I decided I'd share my list of top Look Book ers - being uncertain with what to call them, I came up with that- 
  1. THEE Luanna Perez. With the contrast of her vibrant hair, and usual dose of black clothing she is taking goth on grunge chic to a whole new level, and lets be honest it is impossible to pick a favorite look. Well it is to me. Click here to view her lovely blog, and here to view her LookBook!
Leave it to Luanna to make fruits look sexy

2.     Romeo loved Juliet, Juliet she felt the same.When he put his arms around her, he said "Julie baby you're my flame" Well I don't know that Juliet romeo is talking about,but I'm pretty sure he's right if he means this Juliett! She doesn't type much in her and focuses more on pictures! Which is good, because if she did talk more about her outfits it 'd probably be in Polish.. no thank you. The good thing about her blog is that she does state where all the lovely pieces she uses in her outfits are purchased from. Win!

Crushing on these leggings hard! BlackMilk have done it again.
3.     Her name reminds me of a story I read when I was in year 4 or so, about a thief who moved from place to place and robbed banks, but then fell in love and changed his ways... or something like that, probably not. I think the character's name is Jamie Valentine! Anyways, beside have amazing hair she's got amazing style as well. You guessed it folks! I'm talking about Amy Valentine! Pretty and stylish! She's from Reading so her blog is in English check it out here.

4.     They call her redhead. I call her darling. She just screams comfy, in a stylish way! Although some of her pictures are a tad scary... Click here for her blog, and there for her LookBook

sweater love.

5.     Wioletta! No I didn't preform a magic trick -cheers to the bad joke-  This is the name of the lovely gal with the very mixed LookBook. I'm not sure how to describe it. Her looks are some girly, some outgoing, but all gorgeous! To view her blog click anseo, and to view her LookBook click ann!

6.     I'm sure some of you remember Audrey from her days of YouTube videos and photo shoots with Hanna Beth - I remember trying to draw those pin tattoos on my arm for a while ha ha- Well Audrey's a model, a designer, a blogger, and one hell of a LookBook-er! Her looks are often too much like too many patterns or fabrics, but you have to admit she can rock anything. Specially her bubble gum pink hair aw! Cliceail  anseo to view her blog, and cliceail ann to view her LookBook.
      7.     Outfit crushing over most her looks! That's gotta be Jessica . Haven't had the chance to read most her blog posts though.. Bedtime story for tonight!
I will find this pretty jacket, and it will be mine!

I hope you enjoyed this post, and LookBook awaits me in the near future! Stay pretty xx

Who are your favorite LookBook users? Want me to view and perhaps talk about your LookBook profiles? Comment bellow!


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