Sunday, February 24, 2013

Don't bite my lips when we kiss/All About: Lip Tattoos.

Hello everybody,
I've been intending to post this the day after my previous post, but I'm not sure why I've been feeling low this weekend like some fat fluffy grey creatures have been using my head as a trampoline sweating their negativity all over me (because they're grey) But today has been quiet lovely! I was supposed to have an art contest/display but it got canceled so that was a bit sad. That and the fact that I've been doing chores all day, but other than that I saw people I haven’t seen in a while, and purchased some black head strips that I'm dying to try out tonight! I'm still into the whole lippy theme. So today I'm talking about lip tattoos! Being surrounded by tattoo loving family members and an aunt that actually does tattoos I've seen a few lip tattoos (them being drawn on too), but they're just the basic lining or maybe filling and that’s okay although I don’t find the whole lining thing that attractive but it’s a good solution if your lips have suffered from oral cancer or so. Anyways the lip tattoos I want to discuss today are inner lip tattoos, their name is pretty much self explanatory but making them happen isn’t as easy.
1.    Because inner lips are one of the most difficult areas to tattoos most artists refuse to do them so the artists that do tattoo inner lips charge more, obviously. Now, is a tattoo that is hidden worth paying more than tattoos that are actually seen? Although the fact they're hidden does help prevent misjudgment by any future employers or university administrators you might come across in the future (because if you still haven’t gotten to university then you're too young to have a tattoo in the first place). Now I know some of you are thinking "well maybe it means something sentimental to the person" well if a specific word/drawing/letter means something to someone they can simply tattoo it somewhere visible (wrists/ feet/ legs/shoulders) or if they want it to be hidden –although it wouldn't be as hidden as it would be inside the lips- they don’t really need to tattoo it in such a difficult place they can tattoo it on their stomachs, thighs, behind their ear, or on the back of their necks. And if they're worried someone would see the tattoo then It probably wasn't smart to want it tattooed in the first place.
2.     If you're getting inner lip tattoos you should keep in mind that it is difficult to maintain this kind of tattoo. Since they are prone to fading in their first weeks, and completely vanishing in the first year.
3.    Since they vanish rather fast they require touch ups. Now artists don’t usually ask for money when touching up their own work, but it is very painful. Unless you're some kind of pain addict I don’t think these kinds of tattoos are for you for they are known to be one of the most painful kinds of tattoos, is a hidden tattoo worth the pain?
I don’t think you need more than three pointers to be discouraged about getting inner lip tattoos, but just to sum it up I decided I'd make a pro and con table to see which side is dominant.
They are a tad attractive. I find tattoos hot in general, but these aren't as much of a turn-on compared to other kind of tattoos. Sorry?
They are UNNECESSARY  Why on earth would you need words like –excuse my language- "meow" "bitch" "cake" or even drawings of dinosaurs, hello kitty, or ice cream tattooed inside your lips?
They are hidden which helps avoid misjudgments by employers or administrators or people in general unlike most visible tattoos.
They are very expensive. Now is it worth investing a lot of money on a unnecessary expensive tattoo or maybe on a new gadget you might be able to use in the office or at school or simply on a daily basis? Maybe new clothes r new make-up?

The pain! I'd rather jump on thousands of flattened legos rather than getting a lip tattoo.
There are many more disadvantages that I don’t feel are really needed at the time being. But basically inner lip tattoos are pointless and in my opinion people with these tattoos often appear to be trying too hard.
I think its retty obvious where I stand now.
If you are planning to get an inner lip tattoo and think its totally worth the excruciating pain I haven’t felt and the immense amount of money I haven’t spent then you need to know these tips:
1.    Ask your tattoo artist what you should do. They'll probably ask you to keep it dry for the next four to five days. If you have been to an artist and have asked do comment below, and tell me what they have suggested!
2.    Fold a piece of paper towel to avoid contact between your teeth and the tattoo and also to keep it dry.
3.    Leave it the hell alone. The mouth heals the fastest among all other body parts, let it do its job.
4.    Keep it as dry as the Sahara and I know I'm going overboard with these jokes and metaphors but I don’t mind and neither should you. You can still eat and drink although I'm not sure how you'll manage to drink but keep your lower lip dry... Maybe by using straw? You might want to also put a paper towel under your tongue and in your cheeks to absorb the saliva and keep the tattoo dry at night.
5.    " You shouldn't wash your tattoo with antimicrobial soaps or apply lotions. After care for an inner lip tattoo is different then other tattoos. If anything you can apply a small amount of A & D vitamin ointment to the inside of your lip."
6.    When the third day comes you can stop being the freak with the paper towels stuffed in his mouth!
7.    Do wait at least 2-3 weeks before getting touch-ups on your tattoo.
Know that there less extreme alternatives to lip tattoos like temporary lip tattoos I think there's only one brand that does them and its a worldwide brand called violent lips which you'd most probably find in Sephora, Topshop, and Va va voom based on what I've seen in our malls here in Bahrain. (Tip for Bahrain's people it costs the least in Topshop)

By the way I am aware there are upper lip tattoos and the only reason I haven't talked about those is because they are a definite no in my opinion, and they aren't as common as lower lip tattoos  so I wasn't going to do a whole post about them even though the tips can be used for upper lip tattoos as well, and keeping it dry would be easier so yeah!
  Also I do want to state I wrote this yesterday and have only gotten around to finishing it today, and I did try the strips and it did remove an annoying blackhead I had so we're off to a good start!
Yes because you NEEDED the word "ouch" tattooed inside your mouth on your lip
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What if you aren't forgiven. Now, are you glad you got it tattooed inside your lip?

Wow! So bad-ass.

Can you say "Lip Infections" instead?
If you do have a lip tattoo or think they're great trust me I have nothing but respect to you. I'm just sharing my point of view! 
What do you think of lip tattoos? Comment below!


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