Wednesday, March 20, 2013


While doing some shoe searching a couple of days ago I came across a brand called TBA (To Be Announced)  Now I first came across this brand on Nasty Gal when I found my dream Chelsea boots –and my current number ones on my wish list- the ten 20 Chelsea shoes in black! Now these weren't the only shoes by TBA  that I've been lusting over (Saw that coming didn't you) Here's my TBA shoe wish-list in order from the top of my list to the bottom!

1.       The TEN20 Chelsea Boots in black

If you don’t find these dreamy and freaking perfect, then we seriously cannot be friends.
Its glossy and has a holographic feel to it. Can you spell brilliance? I know what I want for my birthday folks! Find them, and buy them here.

2.       TEN20 Chelsea  Boot

 I'm sorry I have an obsession with Chelsea boots! In my defense this pair is different okay its patterned and spiked okay. If you check out Sole Struck for these booties –do that here- you'd noticed there are several designs and colors and none of them attracted me except these and the classic blacks with gold not silver spikes. Feeling a bit of a love-hate relationship with the white pair though…Thoughts?

3.       Lacey

Now I have two favorite Lacey patterns the Patent Black Petrol and the space print fabric. Both super bad ass versions of your typical oxfords. Now I don’t know about the space print fabric lacy oxford but the patent black petrol one is perfect for day time and night time, and would look absolutely gorgeous with short dresses for when you feeling your girly or super grungy outfits need a bit of edginess. Wipe that drool off your face, yeah right there.
4.       June

Finding the rubber out soles a total turn-on! Another great twist on your typical lace up oxfords. Find them here.

5.       Rocks cut-out boots

Cut-out, leather, buckles, and oxblood. Can you ask for more? Perfect addition to everyone's shoe collection! Get them here!

I found all these To Be Announced shoes here. Check them out! And if anyone owns a pair let me know which pair they are and what you pair them with down below! Do you find these shoes gorgeous or not? What pair would you like to own? Share your opinions down in the comments below! (You can comment anonymously shy people)
By the way I start midterms in two weeks so please excuse the lack of posts! School is killing me! Stay beautiful x 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Front Row Seat

Excuse the shortness of this post for I just wanted to quickly share this website ( )  that has been sucking all my social life out of me. Can you say addiction? Basically it gives you front row seats to any fashion show! You know, for when you misplace your ticket and cant go. Enjoy and tell me what your favorite shows are! Will write up a post about my favorites soon. If you have and request or suggestion for a future post feel free to comment below, or if you want to talk somewhere more private email me on : 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday's Most Wanted: The third S

Let me explain what I mean by this post's title, every few
Mondays I shall make a list of some of my current "drool-overs"and they shall be summed up at the end of the month in one big post. So todayI'll be talking about three things: Shoes, stripes, and suits!
I've personally always been the kind of personthat would wear out any shoe that feels comfortable -and looks goodof course- but my obsession began when I came across the Jeffery CampbellColtranes in Amy Valentine's blog, and after that its just been a never endinghunt for new shoe crushes! Now the Coltranes and Platranes - and the black milk x Jeffery Campbell rainbow galaxy Litas- are the only specific pair of shoesI'm obsessed with , but i have fallen deeply in love with Chelsea and cut-outboots! I feel like I need to go get myself a pair of Chelsea boots soon or I'll just die. Excuse my drama-queen moment. I know they aren't the fiercest pair ofbooties, but they are simple and chic making them the perfect go-to shoes forany outfit from dresses to sweat pants. I wont go into details about cut-outboots but all I will say is Topshop, you're doing it right. The last kind ofshoes I'm currently obsessing over are, pointy heels. I tend to occasionally feel like I am too young to love these, but this is what happens when you religiously read and religiously follow Danielle on Instagram. Not that I'm complaining!
From my notebook sketches to major runwaysstripes are killing it! I have to say my man- not really- Michael Kors ownedthe stripes in his FW'13 collection! Oh and snaps to you MK for designing that gorgeous long sleeve collared cloud patterned silk dress! From shoes to bags toblazers to pants to blouses to skirts I want me some striped action! Now this Iam surely too young for, suits. Ever since I saw Danielle in the CloverCanyon suit- check out their website here, but get a bucket for your drool - Ihave gone fanatical over suits. How sad is it that my dream suit costs $400+? Didyou hear that? It was my heart shattering into a million pieces. Or maybe itwas a vase or plate your mom or cat just broke. Hmm.
Dream suit