Monday, June 10, 2013

How to take care of yourself this summer!

Hey lovely readers,
It's the sun's time to shine -'cause its a star get it?- time for our skins to get darker whether we like it or not, time for the desperate need for sleep we prevented ourselves from all school year long to be full filled and it's time to have fun! Hello summer, you have been awfully missed. If you're wondering I started summer yesterday and celebrated watching The Great Gatsby which was super good.
Now we all know summer means fun, but it also means double skin protection. Sun exposure (more exposure to UV rays) causes thinner blood vessels hence faster bruising, more moles and freckles in lighter skins, and an increase in the dangers of getting skin cancer. Had to spoil summer for you. But no worries there are various ways to prevent much damage occurrence! 

First of all lets think of food intake since our body reflects what we put inside it. A healthy summer diet has to include:

  • Tart Cherries- The anthocyanins in tart cherries activate a molecule that helps rev up fat burning and decrease fat storage
  • Watermelons are the ultimate summer fruits that you just have to eat! It helps you stay hydrated,keeps your memory sharp,your mood stable, and keeps your body  cool.
  • Be British/Persian/Turkish/Arab- and gulp down that tea! show if you drink tea regularly, you may lower your risk of Alzheimer’s and diabetes, plus have healthier teeth and gums 
With that said let's start with the damage preventing/repairing tips one body part at a time:


  • My summer romance has to include a guy that buys me lots of conditioner- I have no clue why I wrote that bit but yeah. Conditioner has to be a main factor of your hair care routine this summer for it helps keep your hair hydrated and protected.
  • Keep your hair as lazy as you are- That phrase only works if you're a lazy chilled person. Don't be harsh on your hair and take it easy with loose/lazy pony tails and buns!
  • Use essential oils to keep your hair healthy and hydrated (also smelling extra nice)
  • Slather a hair mask on a day before heading to the beach and even the gym.
  • To make sure each strand of hair reaches it's full potential and to avoid tangles Flop your hair forward and gather it as though it's a pineapple on top of your head.
  • Don't cake your face with make this isn't a party- don't use foundation and loads of make up (except on nights out). Let your natural beauty out! Or use high SPF BB cream (or cc cream if you've got a lot of pimples or damage going on) instead of foundation, and even tinted lip moisturizers instead of lip sticks!
  • Repeatedly moisturize your face and apply sunscreen.
  • Go in deep- use deep cleansing facial wash on your face because perspiration (due to the excessive heat) mixed with the oils in your face are a hard to clean combination. Also wash your face twice at night once to dislodge surface sweat, dirt and some makeup and the second time will ensure that all potentially pore clogging debris is gone. 
  • Don't touch me!- that's what your face is screaming all year long. No matter how many times you wash your hands there'll always be all sorts of debris, bacteria and junk on it and touching your face means transferring all that to your sensitive money maker.
  • Exfoliate twice or thrice a week. You can try home-made exfoliate-rs to save some money. It also makes make-up last longer!
  • Exfoliate your lips twice or thrice a week as well. You'll find an effective recipe here. And regularly reapply lip balm (use a lip balm with high SPF). 
  • Hit me baby one more time- Don't get Britney wrong. She wasn't talking about actual hitting! She was obviously talking about hitting the gym. listen to her you guys! Exercise to keep your blood pumping giving your face/skin a natural beautiful glow!
Body and nails:
  • Exfoliate! Preferably in the morning.
  • Use intensive masques.
  • Drink twice as much water as you usually intake to prevent dehydration.
  • Reapply sunscreen like your life depends on it, because your skin does!
  • Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly onto your cuticle and the skin surrounding your nails every evening before you go to bed or whenever your nails feel dry.
  • for stronger nails you can take 300 micro-grams of the B vitamin biotin four to six times a day.
  • "Trim your toenails straight across to avoid ingrown toenails. This is particularly important if you have diabetes." I added quotation marks because I copied this directly from a site.
  • Correctly file your nails. To make them stronger always file in one direction and never in a back and forth motion. Also, don't ever file your nails after getting out of a shower or bath for wet nails break easier than dry nails.
If your skin did get damaged by the sun:
  • For immediate relief, soak the sunburned areas in cold (not iced) water but it’s better to soak your whole body in a bath of cold water and oatmeal
  • Soak a cloth in cooled brewed green tea and compress it on damaged areas
  • Make a thick paste of baking soda and vinegar and apply it on damaged areas before bed and leave it over night
  • Also spray some cornstarch on your sheets for less painful sleep
  • Apply a light coating of pure Aloe Vera to the sunburned skin, using either a fresh piece from the plant or in the gel making sure it’s a 100% pure Aloe Vera! 

    Those are all my skin/face/lips/nails/hair care tips for the summer. I hope you do use them and I hope you have a great memorable summer dolls! Stay pretty x 


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